All Mouth is an online gallery, founded on the principles of ‘slow looking’. During the Second World War Blitz, the National Gallery moved its collection out of London into storage, but it did not close completely. The Gallery introduced its ‘Picture of the Month’ programme, putting just one picture up each month for the general public to view. Visitors came and looked at the picture for long periods of time: this was slow looking.

The Gallery was founded in March 2020 by artists Jack Chauncy and Georg Wilson, based in London. We wanted to create a more sustainable model for exhibiting and selling art. We seek to command your full attention in an era where online galleries and Instagram accounts flood our inboxes and timelines with a constant barrage of images. We believe every artist deserves to have their work shown in its own space, without distractions.


All Mouth Gallery currently operates within two different models:
Our mission as an artist-led gallery is to provide opportunities for artists where their work is displayed without distractions, in a focused environment that commands the viewer’s full attention. At this stage in our development as a young gallery, we are organising events that bring artists together into a network that facilitates co-operation and communication. In the future, and with more resources at our disposal, we hope to launch more projects involving close-collaboration with other artists in the organisation of exhibitions, as well as sponsoring artists on physical residencies. As a nomadic gallery with no fixed location, we work in collaboration with project spaces, other galleries and institutions to create novel modes of viewing that provide exposure to emerging artists at the earliest stages of their careers.

On the other hand, All Mouth also operates a commercial side. Our entire staff consists of only two art graduates, and we are unable to pay ourselves for our time at this early stage in running the gallery. The commission we take for selling artists’ work helps towards the maintenance of the website and future physical exhibitions. Furthermore, we believe it is important to help artists to financially support themselves through selling work on our platform.